No Stomach For Cancer would like to let you know about a research study that may be of interest to you. The study, “The Psychosocial Implications of Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer,” was approved by The Brandeis University Committee for Protection of Human Subjects.
Biological relationship is not required. For example, spouses and adopted family members are eligible for participation.
If you know of others who may be interested in participation in this study please share this page or a copy of the letter to family members containing complete details as published below.
Final thesis will be published on NSFC website. Expected posting by June 1, 2014
HDGC Impact Study Doc | HDGC Impact Study Doc Family Letter
Do you have a personal and/or family history of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer?
My name is Marcie Casey, and I am a graduate student in the Genetic Counseling Program at Brandeis University. For my master’s thesis, I am seeking volunteers to participate in a research project. The goal of this research study is to explore the impact that hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) has on families. If you have experience with HDGC in your family, I invite you to participate in this research study. If you meet the following criteria, you are eligible to participate:
- Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
- Participants must be part of a family in whom a mutation in the gene causing the condition known as hereditary diffuse gastric cancer has been identified.
- Biological relationship is not required. For example, spouses and adopted family members are eligible for participation.
Participation in this study is completely confidential and voluntary. It will involve completing an online anonymous survey. The time commitment for completion is estimated to be between 20 and 30 minutes. To participate in this study, please follow the link below to access the online survey:
Survey Closed February 13, 2014 ONLINE SURVEY: Psychosocial Implications of HDGC on Families
Upon completion of the survey respondents will be eligible to enter a raffle for one of three $50 Amazon.com gift cards.
Note: Drawing for Amazon gift cards will be done by the end of February 2014. Winners will receive their gift via email address they provided.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at mlbcasey@brandeis.edu. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Marcina Beaston-Casey
Brandeis University Genetic Counseling Student, Class of 2014