No Stomach For Cancer established a scholarship in the name of Mhari Saito, who embodied the mission of No Stomach For Cancer, to support research and unite the caring power of people worldwide affected by stomach cancer. Mhari passed away from stomach cancer on April 15, 2013.
Mhari first reached out to NSFC in September 2012 with the desire to get involved. She had been diagnosed with Stage 4 stomach cancer but was doing well and wanted to use her time and talents to raise awareness and help others.
Mhari, a former reporter, played a critical role in the success of our first No Stomach For Cancer Walk in 2012. Her writing skills, combined with her desire to make a difference, drove her to connect walk participants to their various local media to get their story out, and to make stomach cancer personal, not merely a statistic.
Beyond these contributions, Mhari followed stomach cancer research closely, whether it was learning about a new clinical trial or a promising new treatment. Having benefitted from clinical trials herself, she knew firsthand the hope – and time – that developments in research can give.
Although Mhari made many contributions to No Stomach For Cancer, her most significant was her genuine passion for this cause. She knew stomach cancer and its devastating effects. She was relentless in her efforts to find ways to help others fight this terrible disease and to help us achieve our vision of a world without stomach cancer.
This scholarship, which will be awarded annually to one or more applicants for at least $1,000 to help medical students, and other healthcare professionals in training attend a significant educational or scientific conference of a national or international medical or professional association that relates to gastric cancer.
To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicant must:
- Be enrolled in an accredited medical school, residency or fellowship program
- Have a particular interest in gastric cancer research
- Demonstrate a genuine quest for knowledge in stomach cancer
- Be committed to the mission of No Stomach For Cancer
Applicant must submit:
- A completed scholarship application form at least three months before the CME (or accredited) event.
- Two reference letters, from persons other than family members documenting the applicant’s integrity, interpersonal skills, and potential as a future physician
- A letter, on school letterhead, from the applicant’s medical school, verifying that he/she is enrolled full time as a second, third or fourth-year medical student at that institution
- A typed one-page essay explicitly describing:
- Why the applicant has an interest in gastric cancer
- What contributions he/she expects to make to the healthcare profession with stomach cancer as their focus
- Proof of conference attendance within one month of attending, and a brief written summary of the applicant’s experience at the conference
Direct questions to admin@nostomachforcancer.org with the subject line “Mhari Saito Scholarship.”
Status: Now accepting applications.
Apply for the Mhari Saito Scholarship