You may have an opportunity to help advance stomach cancer research.
Gastric cancer researchers need your help in determining how individuals with germline CDH1 mutations develop potentially lethal stomach cancer.
Researchers now have the technology to perform DNA sequencing of a tumor’s entire genome (or genetic material) to determine which gene mutations exist. They can also determine additional changes to the genome including (1) duplications and deletions of portions of chromosomes, (2) alterations outside the DNA that turn genes on and off, and (3) alterations in expression of genes.
If you or one of your relatives have inherited a germline mutation in the CDH1 gene and had surgery for a visible stomach tumor, researchers would like to analyze that stomach tumor. Surgical resection specimens are generally kept for several years in the pathology department of the hospital in which the procedure was performed.
Connecting families with current research projects is critical to new developments and further prevention efforts.
You can help in one of two ways:
- Determine if someone in your family qualifies for participation in the study
- Help find individuals who do qualify, by sharing this information with your genetic counselor
For further information, including your potential participation in the study, please read the Information Sheet for Genomic Analysis of Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer Arising in Individuals with Germline CDH1 Mutation which has been provided by Sam S. Yoon, M.D., Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY