STOMACH CANCER AWARENESS MONTH is a registered trademark of No Stomach For Cancer, Inc. (NSFC). We understand that trademark issues can be confusing, so we’ll do our best to explain how it all works and why trademark protection is important for our mission.
One of the primary purposes of NSFC is to raise awareness among the general public, stomach cancer patients, and medical professionals about the prevalence of and risks for stomach cancer, as well as the need to support education and research for screening, early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of stomach cancer.
NSFC actively encourages individuals and other groups and organizations to join in this effort. After all, we have similar goals, and we champion this cause for the same reasons.
The key to success, however, is a unified voice. For that reason, NSFC applied for and received United States Trademark Registration Number 4089304 for STOMACH CANCER AWARENESS MONTH. NSFC is eager to have other organizations use this term for appropriate awareness initiatives. However, those wishing to do so are asked to respect the usage guidelines that NSFC has established. Consent to use will be granted to those who agree as follows:
- November is Stomach Cancer Awareness Month. The Trademark use is permitted and encouraged, but only in conjunction with the promotion of November as the designated awareness month for stomach cancer.
- Whenever possible, link references about or attribute the establishment of STOMACH CANCER AWARENESS MONTH to No Stomach For Cancer (www.nostomachforcancer.org)
- In all instances, when using Stomach Cancer Awareness Month, please include the legend “Stomach Cancer Awareness Month is a registered trademark. Used with permission.”
- Do not use or portray the Trademark in a manner that jeopardizes the goodwill, reputation, or image of the Trademark or NSFC.
If you do use the Trademark in connection with an appropriate awareness initiative, you also understand and agree to the following:
- Your Trademark use does not create in your favor any right, title, or interest in or to the Trademark. You assert, and in the future will assert, no claim to any goodwill, reputation, or ownership of the Trademark by your use of the Trademark or for any other reason.
- You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold NSFC and its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, successors, designees, and assigns harmless, from and against any loss, expense (including reasonable attorney fees and costs), or damage occasioned by any claim, demand, suit, recovery, or settlement arising out of or in connection with your use or misuse of the Trademark.
- NSFC may require you to cease your use of the Trademark at any time, for any reason.
If you do not agree with these guidelines, please do not use the trademark. When in doubt about the trademark’s permissions or appropriate usage, please contact us at admin@nostomachforcancer.org or call us at 608-692-5141.
We encourage you to get involved! Learn all about Stomach Cancer Awareness Month. Discover ideas and tools to Raise Awareness. Find out more about how to Host An Event to raise awareness and support the cause.
Good luck with your stomach cancer awareness activities – let us know how we can help.