This is my beautiful, wonderful, once vivacious mom…..Doran Barro.
She was 75 and lived in Arizona. She was a healthy woman with no medical problems. In March this past year, 2014, she started feeling like she was developing acid reflux, started getting a really full feeling in her stomach after only a few bites of food. It progressed to a vice like feeling in her stomach and nausea.
She sought medical help in April and had test after test. May 9th she was diagnosed with Signet Ring Cell Adema Carcinoma stomach cancer. She started chemo in June, had laparoscopic surgery in August and was told she had stage 4 and it had spread beyond the stomach wall to many lymphnodes, perineal apron, liver and lungs. Multiple pulmonary embolisms, fluid build up in lungs and stomach followed. She got weaker and weaker as the cancer took over……..nothing they could do 🙁
By September 24th she was under Hospice care, and passed away on September 30, 2014.
This disgusting, aggressive, horrible disease came with hardly any symptoms before it was already to a stage of no return and stole her life in a matter of 5 months!!
She meant everything to so many people, including me. She was my very best friend and my mom!
She left her husband, 4 kids, 12 Grandkids, and 9 great Grandkids. She is and will continue to be so missed and loved.