This is my son Donny.
Passed at age 47 of undiagnosed stomach cancer.
He was in the the hospital only four days. He had many symptoms since 2004 but every test (endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultra-sound, x-rays) did not show anything. He went home from work on a Friday afternoon very sick with what he thought was the flu. Saturday morning after speaking with him, I decided to take him to the ER. He was immediately admitted with internal bleeding, cause unknown. After being transferred to a Boston hospital, it was determined that he had cancer that had affected all his organs, but of unknown origin. When the biopsy came back after he had passed, they told me it was Diffuse Gastric Adenocarcinoma.
The loss of my son has left a great impact on his family and friends, including a 13 year old daughter that was the love of his life. Since my children lost their dad several years ago, he was their go to person as he was to his friends. We were never prepared for his loss.
We have realized that stomach cancer is very very hard to diagnose and can be a silent killer and I pray every night that research will find a way for earlier detection and a cure.