I chose the name “My Pink Genes” because, for one, pink is my favorite color, and for another, I was diagnosed with a highly aggressive form of stage 3a breast cancer in 2018 at 32 years of age (grade 3 invasive lobular carcinoma – pleomorphic type ER-, PR+, HER2- in cancer speak).
Pink being the color of the breast cancer ribbon seemed fitting. The “genes” portion comes into play because, after my diagnosis, I had genetic testing and found out I am a mutant! No, not the cool kind! I am positive for a pathogenic variant in CDH1, which is associated with an increased risk for lobular breast cancer and hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (a rare and very deadly form of stomach cancer).
I had been blogging since my breast cancer diagnosis on February 27, 2018. Since writing and journaling have always been a positive stress reliever in my life, I have found joy and purpose through writing. I initially wanted to keep friends and family updated, and writing is easier than trying to keep up with phone calls and such. But, I also had this burning desire to share my story so that others seeking information or inspiration can follow along in real-time. And so far, it has served both of these purposes well.