Sandra Sankar, from beautiful San Diego … My only brother died from gastric cancer at 37. I was diagnosed at 39 and found out that I have a CDH1 genetic mutation which I inherited from my dad who does not have gastric cancer. I had a total gastrectomy on Feb 18, 2011 and am still going through chemotheraphy. I am hoping to get back to my prior activities after this is through. I have put together a web site documenting my experience.
February 2011
No Stomach For Cancer was deeply saddened to learn that Sandra Sankar lost her battle with stomach cancer on January 13, 2012 at the age of 39, just over a year following her diagnosis. Sandra was a loving and giving woman, determined to tell her story and to make a difference in the lives of others. Sandra’s family shares their video tributes in loving memory of a remarkable young woman.
Sandra Sankar Poukkula, February 10, 1972 to January 13, 2012
Remembering Sandra
A tribute to Sandra’s brother, Rajen, who lost his battle to stomach cancer at the age of 37.
RJ Sankar, September 4, 1970 to February 10, 2008