Gastric Cancer Registries

You can make a difference in developing treatments and advancing gastric cancer research by sharing your patient or family’s experience. Join the Global Gastric Cancer Registry and other cancer registries to help increase the understanding of what stomach (gastric) cancer is, how it affects individuals and families, the significance of genetics (CDH1, TP53, STK11, MSH2, or MLH1 gene mutations), Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC), Lynch Syndrome, Li-Fraumeni, Peutz-Jeghers, Emerging Germline Genetic Associations (CTNNA1, BRCA1/2, PALB2, RAD51C, ATM) and the role of genetics and biomarkers in targeted treatments and therapies.

The Global Gastric Cancer Registry –

Links to other Registries

Stanford Gastric Cancer Registry –

The Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Registry –

ICARE Inherited Cancer Registry –

Prospective Registry Of MultiPlex Testing (PROMPT) –